Dental crowns are nothing more than a cap placed over a damaged or discolored tooth. A crown can be made from a variety of materials, like Zirconium Porcelain or Glass Ceramic. Get your free dental plan today and visit the clinics in Antalya.
Dental crowns feel and look like your own natural teeth and are aesthetically pleasing, very durable and very strong. They are an excellent dental solution when you have weakened teeth due to a large filling or root canal treatment. With a dental crown you protect a weak tooth from breaking and restore discolored, crooked or weakened teeth. You can also use crowns to attach dental bridges or for covering dental implants.
E-Max Ceramic Crowns
E-Max crowns also known as Full Veneers, are fully ceramic crowns (Glass Ceramic) that are aesthetically pleasing, durable and strong. Mainly E-Max Crowns (Full Veneers) or facings (Veneers) are placed in the front part of the mouth. Dental crowns from E-Max are resistant to cracking or chipping.
Advantages of E-Max Ceramic Crowns
Important to remember about E-Max Ceramic Crowns
E-max Crowns are very strong but they still have the potential to break like a natural tooth. Avoid anything that could damage a natural tooth.
Based on your request for a free dental plan we’ll determine together with you and the consultation of our team of specialists which method is the best dental solution for you. To make this happen we ask everyone to share their dental story with us and 5 pictures (see our example) of the current condition of their teeth and mouth. If you have recent X-Rays from your dentist please share these with us.
Zirconium Porcelain Crowns
Zirconium porcelain crowns
Advantages of Zirconium Porcelain Crowns
Important to remember about Zirconium Porcelain Crowns
Zirconium porcelain crowns are very strong but they still have the potential to break like a natural tooth. Avoid anything that could damage a natural tooth. Also, teeth plaque can easily accumulate near and next to a crown. If not kept clean daily, it can cause gum irritation or inflammation. After the treatment you may suffer from a sensitive jaw or gums but this is short-lived and your teeth can become more sensitive for hot and cold food/drinks, use a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
A disadvantage of a crown is that it can come loose when not properly cemented but also this can easily be remedied by re-cementing. With a zirconium porcelain crown chipping can sometimes occur. That’s why we recommend you always wear your dental protector at night.
Based on your request for a free dental plan we’ll determine together with you and the consultation of our team which dental treatment and materials the best dental solution are for your teeth. To make this happen we ask everyone to share their dental story with us and 5 pictures (see our example) of the current condition of their teeth and mouth. If you have recent X-Rays from your dentist please share these with us.
Clean and maintain your teeth
The maintenance of your new dental crowns is actually equivalent to your old teeth before your dental treatment in Turkey therefor brushing and flossing is necessary at least twice a day, preferable three times a day and in addition an oral irrigator is recommended for crowns and veneers. Crowns are very strong, but they still have the potential to break like a natural tooth. Avoid anything that could damage your crowns like you do with natural teeth. Finally, an annual check-up with your dentist is very important because your gums can change during your lifetime.