A dental bridge is likely a better option than an implant when you’re only missing a tooth or consecutive two. The dental clinics can very easily close or bridge this gap with the use of a dental bridge and it’s relatively cheaper than an implant treatment.
Alternative for Dental Bridge
An other alternative instead of a dental or crown bridge are Dental Implants. With this dental solution we would place an implant in the gap where your teeth is missing. In this case, no good teeth need to be grinded. Based on your request for a free dental plan we’ll determine together with you and the consultation of our team of specialists which method is the best dental solution for you. To make this happen we ask everyone to share their dental story with us and 5 pictures (see our example) of the current condition of their teeth and mouth. If you have recent X-Rays from your dentist please share these with us.
Clean and maintain your teeth
The maintenance of your new dental bridge is actually equivalent to your old teeth before your dental treatment in Turkey therefor brushing and flossing is necessary at least twice a day, preferable three times a day and in addition an oral irrigator is recommended for crowns and veneers. Crowns are very strong, but they still have the potential to break like a natural tooth. Avoid anything that could damage your crown bridge like you do with natural teeth. Finally, an annual check-up with your dentist is very important because your gums can change during your lifetime.