Mr. Jan from Holland came to Adriana Smile threw contact with Annie. After the first consultation and the pictures he had sent to Adriana, Jan received within a few days a dental treatment plan and offer for his teeth.

An intensive but necessary treatment was needed to get the smile he dreamed about. In the case of Jan it meant the placement of 26 porcelain Zirconium crowns, 2 Osstem implants, an open Sinus lift and a gum correction. For his complete treatment we needed to plan two separate visits to get all his teeth done.
Dental treatment in Antalya Turkey
- 1st visit: 24 porcelain Zirconium crowns + 2 Osstem implants + open Sinus lift + gum correction
- 2nd visit: after 6 months 2 porcelain Zirconium crowns were placed
Duration of treatment: 6 working days (2 times)
Clinic appointments: 3 appointments (2 times)